Watson Explorer# Main AI Page Go back to [[Master Contents Page]] ## Introduction to AI - [[Week 1 - Introduction]] - [[Introducing AI]] - [[What is AI]] - [[Tanmay's Journey and take on AI]] - [[AI is not magic - Demystify and Apply]] - [[Women leaders in AI]] - [[AI and the time to be creative]] - [[AI in the media - Key questions to consider]] - [[AI needs barriers to be successful]] - [[AI requires buy-in from leadership]] - [[AI's Ratchet effect]] - [[AI-specific pain points]] - [[Comparison of not having an AI plan in 2020]] - [[Diversity lowers the risk of AI]] - [[Examples and impact of AI (LIST)]] - [[Expert Insights - AI fast forwards video for sports highlights]] - [[Find an AI mentor]] - [[Get To AI At Scale]] - [[Prioritisation]] - [[Prove the value of AI]] - [[PWC study - AI's impact on GDP by 2030]] - [[The 3 Foundations - (AI) is only as good as your (IA)]] - [[The AI Job Replacement Axiom]] - [[The AI Ladder]] - [[The next 10,000 business cases - Kevin Kelly]] - [[Time-Proportion Value Increase of the Journalist]] - [[Two Key Elements Of AI - Componentry and Process]] - [[Week 2 - Introduction]] - [[Adaptive resonance theory]] - [[Four stages of human cognition]] - [[How to get started with Cognitive Technology]] - [[Adoption starts with education]] - [[IBM's cognitive advantage global market report]] - [[The Three patterns of AI technology usage]] - [[Adoption starts with education]] - [[Best practice - AI lessons from early adopters]] - [[Build, deploy or collaborate]] - [[Checklist for AI Adoption]] - [[Four main categories of AI implementation]] - [[Four stages of human cognition]] - [[Functional Patterns]] - [[Goal-based Patterns]] - [[k-means clustering]] - [[Technology Patterns]] - [[Project Debater - Understanding each other through AI]] - [[Quote the numbers - benefits of AI adoption]] - [[Woodside - AI causes growth in jobs]] - [[Machine Learning]] - [[Supervised Learning]] - [[Regression - supervised learning]] - [[Classification - supervised learning]] - [[Reinforcement - supervised learning]] - [[Unsupervised Learning]] - [[Training your model]] - [[Three ways to evaluate models]] - [[Deep Learning]] - [[Neural Networks]] - [[Back-propagation]] - [[Perceptrons]] - [[Bias]] - [[Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 2 - Introduction/Activation function]] - [[CNNS - Convolutional neural networks]] - [[RNNS - Recurrent neural networks]] - [[Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 2 - Introduction/Natural Language Processing]] - [[Modern Approaches in NLP]] - [[Recurrent Neural Networks in NLP]] - [[Reinforcement Learning in NLP]] - [[Deep Learning in NLP]] - [[Long short-term memory - LSTM]] - [[Gated Recurrent Unit]] - [[Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 2 - Introduction/Activation function]] - [[Week 3 - Introduction]] - [[The threat to journalists' jobs]] - [[Journalists' jobs will have to change]] - [[AI and regaining market share]] - [[Can Journalists and AI Cooperate - or is it war]] - [[AI and differentiation free vs paywalled content]] - [[Collating meta-content with AI]] - [[Creatives have already been replaced in places]] - [[Using AI to fact-check and verify information]] - [[Popularity of AI journalistic tools]] - [[Autogeneration of news content]] - [[Sports, fans, and data-chewing bots]] - [[Bots for news content]] - [[Bots for comments moderation]] - [[AI and regaining market share]] - [[AI is 'polysemous' - accumulates meanings]] - [[AI is here, most unaware]] - [[AI will purify the use of journalistic skills]] - [[Autogeneration of news content]] - [[Beware when using traditional messaging theory around AI]] - [[Collating meta-content with AI]] - [[Creativity buffering jobs from AI takeover]] - [[Current uses of Natural Language Generated content]] - [[Editors resist fully automated news process]] - [[Natural Language Generation]] - [[Artificial Intelligence/Introduction to AI/Week 3 - Introduction/Natural Language Processing]] - [[News Media industry changes caused by AI]] - [[Opinions on AI replacing jobs]] - [[Optimising the editorial work process with AI]] - [[Origin stories of AI in News Media and Journalism]] - [[Popularity of AI journalistic tools]] - [[Recurring origin stories of AI]] - [[Saad and Issa's use of AI in journalism]] - [[Sports, fans, and data-chewing bots]] - [[Tech has changed Journo hiring priorities]] - [[The threat to journalists' jobs]] - [[Traditional journalism driving AI, not AI driving journalism]] - [[Translating worldwide news with AI]] - [[Unsupervised Neural Networks for detecting Fake News]] - [[Week 4 - Introduction]] - [[AI won't look like Humans - Kevin Kelly]] - [[All business is data business - Kevin Kelly]] - [[Can an AI be creative]] - [[Constraints on AI and robotic advances]] - [[Job creation in an AI future]] - [[Question - What can AI do]] - [[The Ladder of AI]] - [[We just don't understand understanding]] ## Creating Chatbots with Watson - [[Building AI-powered Chatbots with Watson]] - [[Introduction to Chatbots]] - [[What are Chatbots]] - [[The First Chatbot - Eliza]] - [[Seven most important conversational computing providers]] - [[Nine Criteria for evaluating Chatbot vendors]] - [[IBM Watson Assistant]] - [[Amazon Alexa]] - [[Google Dialogflow]] - [[How to build a Chatbot with Watson Assistant]] - [[Intents]] - [[Entities]] - [[Dialogues]] - [[Child Dialogue nodes]] - [[Fallback child node]] - [[Implementing Dialogues]] - [[Context Variables and Slots]] - [[Advanced Context Variables]] - [[IBM Notes on Chatbot writing]] - [[Preparing a Chatbot for deployment]] - [[API details for the Flower Shop Assistant]] - [[Dummy WordPress site Credentials]] - [[Deploying a Chatbot to Wordpress]] ## Watson Overview - [[Module 1 - Watson AI Overview]] - [[The business importance of recording interactions]] - [[Transfer Learning - IBM]] - [[Watson AI is changing how business is done]] - [[Expertice on call]] - [[Expert service - 60 per cent faster]] - [[AR-powered technician support]] - [[Customer response in seconds - not minutes]] - [[Market data in plain language]] - [[Confidence in the details]] - [[Answering tomorrow's legal questions]] - [[Predicting and preventing breakdowns]] - [[Preserving institutional wisdom]] - [[Claims assessed 25 per cent faster]] - [[Maintenance done 90 per cent faster]] - [[Expected AI spend next year (2021)]] - [[Four key principles of Watson]] - [[How AI amplifies an employee's role]] - [[How to get IBM on board]] - [[How_to_get_IBM_on_board.mp4]] - [[Watson Explorer]] - [[Watson with Audits and Compliance]] - [[Module 2 - Available Watson Services]] - [[Cloud services]] - [[Data Science]] - [[Vendor lock-in]] - [[Watson availability]] - [[Artificial Intelligence/Watson AI Overview/Module 2 - Available Watson AI Services/Watson Discovery]] - [[Watson Natural Language Understanding]] - [[Watson Speech-to-Text]] - [[Watson Text-to-Speech]] - [[Module 3 - Advanced Watson Services]] - [[Watson at LivePerson Contact Centres]] - [[Watson Compare and Comply]] - [[Watson Knowledge Catalogue]] - [[Watson Machine Learning]] - [[Watson OpenScale]] - [[Watson Personality Insights]] - [[Watson Studio]] - [[Watson Tone Analyser]] - [[Big 5 personality model]] - [[Computer Vision, its applications, and IBM Watson]] - [[Open Source Replacements - TODO]] - [[Module 4 - Watson Use Cases and Resources List]] - [[Watson At Work]] - [[Toby - Watson's use cases]] - [[Bradesco]] - [[Watson for Oncology, Clinical Trial Matching, and Genomics]] - [[Watson in use at Coca-Cola Company]] - [[Watson at ADNOC]] - [[Watson in use at KONE]] - [[Watson at LivePerson]] - [[Watson at Hilton]] - [[402_solutionbrief_200401_openscale_copyupdate_14020014USEN_.pdf]] - [[Data_Science_Pipeline_Readiness.pdf]] - [[ESG-Tech-Validation-IBM-Watson-Studio-Feb-2019.pdf]] - [[How_to_get_IBM_on_board.mp4]] - [[Watson_services.mp4]] - [[Watson_Studio.mp4]] - [[Watson_Compare_And_Comply.mp4]] - [[Watson_call_centre_solution.mp4]] - [[IBM_Watson_Professional_Solutions_Certification.pdf]] ## Python for Data Science and AI - [[Python Week 1 Main Page]] - [[Introduction to Python Data Types]] - [[Expressions and Variables]] - [[Week1 Types Expressions and Variables Lab]] - [[Sharing a Jupyter notebook to Github]] - [[Python String Operations]] - [[Week1 String operations Lab]] - [[Python Week 2 Main Page]] - [[Python Lists and Tuples]] - [[Week2 Tuples Lab]] - [[Week2 Lists Lab]] - [[Python Dictionaries]] - [[Week2 Dictionaries Lab]] - [[Python Sets]] - [[Week2 Sets Lab]] - [[Python Week 3 Main Page]] - [[Python Conditions and Branching]] - [[Week3 Conditions and Branching Lab]] - [[Python Loops - For Loops]] - [[Python Loops - While Loops]] - [[Week3 Python For and While Loops Lab]] - [[Python Functions]] - [[Python Function Scope - Global vs Local]] - [[Week3 Functions and Scope Lab]] - [[Python Classes]] - [[Week3 Classes and Objects Lab]] - [[Python Week 4 Main Page]] - [[Python file handling - reading]] - [[Week4 Reading From Files Lab]] - [[Python file handling - writing]] - [[Week4 Writing to Files Lab]] - [[Pandas]] - [[Filtering and Saving Data with Pandas]] - [[Week4 Pandas Data Lab]] - [[Python Week 5 Main Page]] - [[IBM Digital Badge - Python for Applied Data Science]] - [[Python Week 5 Main Page]] - [[Week5 US Economic Dashboard in Python Lab]] ## Deploying IBM AI Services - [[AI Service Deployment Main Page]] - [[Creating a Discovery Collection]] - [[Data vs Insight]] - [[Advanced Watson Discovery]] - [[Creating a Watson Chatbot with Discovery]] - [[Integrating Discovery and Assistant]] - [[Adding Watson Speech Services]] - [[Voice Options for your Chatbot]] - [[Deployment Options for Watson Speech Assistant]] - [[Deploying your Watson Assistant to Facebook Messenger]] - [[Deploying your Watson Assistant to Slack]] ## Resources - [[Exxact_Quote_100274-1.pdf]] - [[Pasted image.png]] - [[Professional Machine Learning Workstation - Exxact Quote]] - [[Recommended algorithms by usage]] - [[HistoryOfAI.jpeg]] - [[Creating Chatbots with Watson.pdf]] - [[Creating_Intents.pdf]] - [[Define_Domain_Specific_Intents.pdf]] - [[Create_Entities.pdf]] - [[Import_and_Export_Entities.pdf]] - [[Implement_the_Dialog.pdf]] - [[Add_a_preview_and_retrieve_your_credentials.pdf]] - [[Deploy_your_Chatbot.pdf]] - [[Explore_Context_Variables.pdf]] - [[Master_Slots.pdf]] - [[Enable_Digressions.pdf]] - [[Get_to_know_the_Analytics_tab.pdf]] - [[Pasted image 20201103162748.png]] - [[IBM_Python_for_Data_Science_Professional.pdf]] See also the [[The Golem Project Overview]] for the ultimate implementation of this and the [[Master of Philosophy - Main Page|Master of Philosophy]]. For a professionally designed workstation built for machine learning, check out the [[Professional Machine Learning Workstation - Exxact Quote]] For a discontinued project that may still be of educational value, see the [[Main Library - Chatterbot]] and [[Why I didn't use Chatterbot]]. Currently my most popular bot is Floria from The AFIRM project, which you can read about at the [[AFIRM Overall Project Page]] Most, it not all code is written in Python, and will link through the [[Python - Main Page]]